Thursday 26 May 2011

A frog is not a toad ?

Why do we need to know whether a frog is a frog, or a toad ?

For the layman, or the general Joe or Sue, it is good to know. There are a few stories we could tell, about frogs and kissing, all true, so I have been told... The proof of the pudding is in the eating, or the kissing, so I have been told. Every body has been telling me stories, since I was this knee-high-old. There was the bed-wetting stories, and eating in bed. Even one about where my milk-teeth went, yes, I was told. About rabbits, pink and blue, that leave chocolate eggs all over the show. Fairy and elves, those I have seen, even an ogre or two, 'cause I would not listen, and ate too late. My dog could talk and tell me tales, of chasing cats, cars, and wagging tails. Many things have I heard, Cinderella; Snow White; Pinnochio; a Thousand and one tales. All true, so I told them.

Then, a frog in my daughter's bed, so she told, very bold. He said she should take him home, let him spend the night, and at morning light, he would be a prince - rich and handsome - a pure delight. The 'prince ' has been here many a night, still no money, still no job, I have a feeling, another story I have been told. He truly looks to me - like a toad.

And sometimes it rains, and rains, a little more than what the world can handle. The frogs love it.

Then there are the frogs, a breed unto themselves.

Itsy teeny weenie little toads

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